Our Daily Programme
This will give you an idea of what a typical day at Educare Tamahere could look like.
To find out more drop in anytime or get in touch

Our Daily Programme
Our daily programme varies each day depending on the needs of our tamariki. We follow our younger tamariki’s individual care needs and routines as discussed with whānau. Our room routines are flexible to suit the needs and desires of the tamariki and may include spontaneous walks and adventures to explore our extended backyard. Each of our 3 rooms have slightly different room routines and rituals. Below is an example of what a normal day looks like.
During Exploration time tamariki will have the opportunity to engage in our learning environments alongside their teachers. Tamariki will be able to follow their urges/interests to extend their learning and gain new knowledge and skills that develop their dispositions and strategies for learning.
Our core values that shape what we do are; Partnerships and working with others/Whanaungatanga, Be longing/Mana whanua, Learning through play, Connecting children with nature/ kaitiakitanga, Adventure and responsible risk taking.
Centre opens - nau mai haere mai / welcoming and settling in
Breakfast club, exploration time and care moments (all ages combined)
Kakano Pepi (Nursery) and Ponga Tuakana (Preschool) move to their rooms for exploration time and care moments
Morning Kai
Welcome whānau time for Ponga Tuakana - exploration and care moments
Lunch time kai
Mat time for Ponga Tuakaka / Transition to school sessions for 4.5 year olds
11.30am - 1.00pm
Tamariki invited to sleep (depending on individual sleep routines), otherwise exploration and care moments continue
Afternoon Kai
Late Snack
Rooms merge in Pitau Teina (Toddlers), exploration and care moments
Centre Closes